Political Yard Signs for Sale: What to Look for Before You Buy


As the election season quickly approaches, campaign headquarters across the nation buzz with activity, strategizing to capture the public’s attention.

Among the flurry of advertisements, social media campaigns, and public appearances, one classic element remains a staple: political yard signs.

These signs are not just markers indicating support — they are a silent yet powerful tool for name recognition and message dissemination.

Key Takeaway
  • Choose durable materials and a design that ensures your sign stands out.
  • Stay informed about local regulations to ensure your political yard signs are legally compliant.
  • Consider the cost and invest in signs that offer the best return for your campaign’s budget.

Before you rush to print a batch of these signs, it’s crucial to understand what sets a high-quality, impactful sign apart from a forgettable one.

From material and design to legalities and cost—it’s going to be important to choose yard signs that resonate with voters and can withstand the test of time and weather.

As you prepare for the next election season, remember that your campaign’s success will be influenced by the advertising signs you plant.

Let’s explore what you need to look for before making that pivotal purchase.

Understanding the Basics of Political Yard Signs

Political yard signs are more than just pieces of cardboard or plastic adorning lawns.

Typically, political campaign yard signs are small enough to be easily placed in a yard or along a roadside, yet large enough to be readable from a distance.

They often feature the name of a candidate, their political party, and sometimes a slogan or message.

The purpose of political signs is multifaceted.

Primarily, these advertising resources serve as a tool for increasing name recognition—a critical factor in any political campaign.

As potential voters drive by and see a candidate’s name repeatedly displayed in a yard or hanging in a window, it can have a subconscious reinforcing effect, suggesting that a candidate is a popular choice among neighbors and peers.

Custom political signs are a low-cost method of advertising, especially effective in local elections where large-scale media campaigns may not be feasible. They can inspire conversations and serve as a catalyst for word-of-mouth promotion, which is invaluable for campaign outreach. If you’re wondering where to get political yard signs, we can guide you to resources that offer these campaign essentials.


In essence, political yard signs act as silent advocates for a campaign, providing a constant, visible presence in the community. They are a traditional, yet still relevant tactic in the modern political campaign arsenal.

Material and Durability: What’s Best for Your Message?

When it comes to political yard signs, the material you choose can often be as crucial as the message it carries.

While cardboard and aluminum signs have been used in the past, a more common material today is corrugated plastic.

What is Corrugated Plastic?

Often referred to by the brand name Coroplast, corrugated plastic is a material that is favored for its excellent balance of durability and cost-effectiveness.

It’s waterproof, resistant to weather, and can last for several months outdoors, perfect for the duration of most campaigns and election seasons.

In addition to that, the rigidity of corrugated plastic also allows for easy installation and maintenance.


Here are some tips for choosing durable campaign signs:

  • Consider the Climate: If your campaign trail is set in a region with harsh weather, opt for corrugated plastic for its longevity.
  • Wind Resistance: For windy areas, choose thicker materials or reinforce your signs with sturdy frames.
  • Sun Exposure: Look for materials with UV-resistant inks and treatments to prevent fading from sun exposure.
  • Installation: Ensure that the signs have a robust anchoring system, like metal stakes, to keep them secure.

Remember, the durability of your corrugated plastic signs can reflect the resilience of your campaign. Selecting the right material will not only convey your message but can also demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and practicality as well as give the professional feel you’re looking for.

Versatile Signflute™ Yard Signs

Affordable, Customizable, Effective!

  • Emphasizing ease of ordering, bulk discounts, and customization options.
  • Focusing on the customizable options, including various shapes and sizes.
  • Ensuring visibility with UV and weather-resistant printing technology.

Be Visible! Best Custom Political Yard Sign Designs for High Visibility

The design of your custom political yard signs is a critical factor in ensuring it captures attention and communicates your message effectively.

A well-designed sign is not just a marker but a call to action for potential supporters and voters as well.

Here are some guidelines to ensure your custom campaign signs have the highest visibility:

1. Font Size and Readability:

  • Go Big: Use large fonts that can be easily read from a distance. A good rule of thumb is 1 inch of letter height for every 10 feet of viewing distance.
  • Keep It Simple: Choose bold, sans-serif fonts for clarity. Avoid script or decorative fonts that may be difficult to read quickly.

2. Color Contrast:

  • Create Contrast: Utilize high-contrast color combinations like black on yellow or white on blue to make your sign stand out.
  • Keep Away from Clashing: Steer clear of color pairs that clash or are hard on the eyes, such as red or green.

3. Sign Size and Shape:

  • Stick with Standard Sizes: Stick to standard sign sizes (like 24″x18″) to ensure your message is large enough to be seen without overwhelming the landscape.
  • Choose Shape for Attention: Consider custom shapes that align with your campaign’s branding, such as a state outline, but ensure the text is still the focal point.

4. Design Elements:

  • Be Bold in Your Messaging: Emphasize key elements like the candidate’s name or office running for with larger, bolder text.
  • Focus on a Visual Hierarchy: Arrange information in order of importance to guide the viewer’s eye.
  • Know When to Use Whitespace: Use whitespace effectively to prevent a cluttered design and enhance readability.

5. Consistency in Branding:

  • Prioritize Campaign Colors: Stick to your campaign’s color scheme for brand consistency across all materials.
  • Think About Logo Placement: If you’re using a logo on your political sign design, place it strategically so it complements your message rather than competes with it.

By following these design principles, you can create custom yard signs that not only withstand the elements but also stand out in the minds of voters, ensuring your campaign’s message is seen and easily remembered.

Easy Signs Logo

Quality Signflute™Yard Signs

  • Promoting the superior quality of Signflute™ Corrugated Plastic material for durability and visibility.
  • Stressing the vibrant full-color printing and eco-friendly recyclability.

Find out more

The Power of Print: Why Your Printing Vendor Matters

Selecting the right vendors for your campaign tools will make a big difference in your branding and your budget.

From t-shirts to sign designs, the way you portray your candidate’s image and message should align with the feel of your campaign while also taking costs and production times into consideration.

Finding reputable vendors will not only ensure quality products but will also support your campaign’s timeline and strategy.

Here are some criteria and considerations for making an informed choice:


Criteria for Selecting a Reputable Vendor:

  • Quality of Work: Look for vendors with a portfolio of high-quality prints and positive customer testimonials.
  • Experience: Choose vendors with specific experience in political signage to ensure they understand the nuances of campaign advertising.
  • Material Options: Ensure the vendor offers a range of durable materials and printing options to suit your campaign needs.
  • Printing Technology: Modern printing technology can provide better color accuracy and longer-lasting signs.

Local Printing Shop vs. Online Vendor:

1. Pros of Local Shops:

  • Personal Interaction: Direct communication can lead to better understanding and service.
  • Quick Proofing: Easier to review and approve physical proofs before the final print.
  • Support Local Business: Contributes to the local economy and can foster community relationships.

2. Cons of Local Shops:

  • Limited Options: May have fewer material choices or printing capabilities.
  • Higher Costs: Often more expensive due to overhead costs.

3. Pros of Online Vendors:

  • Convenience: Order from anywhere, anytime.
  • Competitive Pricing: Often lower prices due to larger scale operations.
  • Variety: Wider range of products and customization options.

4. Cons of Online Vendors:

  • Less Personalized Service: Communication is typically digital, which can lead to misunderstandings.
  • Shipping Time: Must account for shipping duration in your campaign timeline.

While there will be different advantages to local printing shops as well as online ones, your final selection should be based on a balance of quality, cost, and service.

Remember: your printed campaign materials are going to be an important part of your campaign, as they not only provide information about your client but are also used to generate excitement.

Choose your printing vendor wisely and you won’t regret it by the time election day is here.

Start Your Election Season with Easy Signs

As election season accelerates, choosing the right vendors becomes paramount for so much of your campaign’s success.

Easy Signs is a sign company dedicated to being your biggest ally when it comes to all your custom yard sign printing needs.

We’re here to make sure your political message doesn’t just add to the noise but rises above it.

Our custom campaign sign creations can be a game-changer since they are crafted to convey your message in a way that will resonate with your voters.

And with our easy-to-use online platform, diverse customization options, and swift 24-hour turnaround time, Easy Signs stands as the premier online sign choice to propel your campaign forward.

For a candidacy that resonates, begin by bypassing the ordinary.

Choose Easy Signs and leave your mark this election season.


24 Hour

Production Time

Need it fast? We’ve got you covered!
Our streamlined production process ensures your order is ready within 24 hours, without compromising on quality.

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  • 24-hour fast production*
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*Applicable to most products


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